Sunday, July 29, 2012

Traveling On Down The Road

We have been spending a lot of time in the RV this summer with our Cardinal Capers Group, family and friends. Recently we spent about three days at the Rustic Barn in Keiler, Wisconsin. This group gets together at least once a month and we have a great time. One of our games we like to play is the "Falling Towers". Try to pull out a block and place on top without making the stack of blocks come tumbling down. Dick took a turn first. Seems It alway fell when my turn came around.
Phyllis made it through this round, but Ruth wasn't so lucky - below...
Our next favorite game is bean bag baseball which is also a lot of fun.

But our favorite pastime is to eat, eat and eat.

Sometimes a lucky grandchild might get to join us...
As we wind up the day, we sat around a camp fire and enjoy the beautiful sunset. We left Keiler, Wisconsin after a few days and the group headed to Forest City, Iowa where we all camped for a week and enjoyed the Winnebago Grand National Rally. This year the theme was "Pirates", therefore there were some great decorations throughout the camp grounds and a lot of scary pirates running around. While there Phyllis met a friend by the name of Bones...

The rally always has an antique car parade. Very interesting cars of all makes and models. Our grandson Dakota was with us and he really was impressed with the different models.

Time to take our grandson back home, we ventured to Hartford, Iowa where we had a two day camping visit with Phyllis' youngest brother. We camped above the Des Moines river banks and it was beautiful to sit and look over the valley. The water tower in the background is the small town of Runnells.
Don and Martha with their camper.  And Don sitting on his new golf cart.
Dick and Don and Martha and Phyllis having a great time together.

Don took us all around the campground and above the banks of the Des Moines river.  It was very relaxing to sit and look over the valley and see so many miles across the fields and the river.

We finally made it back to Freeport just in time to celebrate our 50th Golden Anniversay. The summer is going quite fast...

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