Thursday, July 28, 2016

Iowa Bridal Shower For Danielle Hipsky

Another trip to Iowa for Dick and Phyllis to attend a Bridle Shower for granddaughter Danielle.  Held in Waukee, Iowa, hosted by her Aunt Carrie Christensen.
The Bride, Danielle received two very special aprons.  
The red one made by Grandma Phyllis.  The one below was made by Great Aunt Barb Rayman using material which belonged to Dick's grandmother (Danielle's great-great grandmother). 
The picnic basket was given to Danielle which once belonged to her great-great Aunt Lois.  Danielle was blessed with numerous gifts from all and felt ALL GIFTS WERE SPECIAL.
  Sisters, Trudy Hauserman, Carolyn Richeson, Barb McGrean and Phyllis Connett met in Waukee, Iowa for the bridal shower. We missed the other sisters...
Mom (Lynsley Hipsky) with daughter Danielle modeling the veil that Lynsley wore in her wedding.
Dick with sisters Alice Corderman and Barb Rayman
First cousins - Carrie, Nicole, Pam and Lynsley (some didn't get in on this picture)
 What a wonderful day - The group - coming to Iowa from Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota and Wisconsin.  Next will be the exciting day of the wedding on 08-18-16 on a beach in Michigan...  

Friday, July 1, 2016


At the reunion, we always try to update the addition(s) to the family. 

Kelly De Joode (Steven De Joode's daughter) had a boy which was born 10-04-15.  This was after the family reunion last year, so posted this year.  (JAXSON GLASPIE)

Jennifer (Teresa & Tony's daughter) & Josh Stifter have a new boy also born 04-12-16.  (RAPHAEL)

Chelsea Hove (Julie & Dave's daughter) & Bryan Phillips had a new boy born 05-27-16.  (NATHAN JAMES)

One new wedding as of reunion date:

Frank Pearson (Bev & Marvin's son) married Kayla on 05-25-16.  Kayla has a young boy by the name of Daniel.

I know there will be another newborn soon to Joe De Joode.
Also Danielle Rae Hipsky and Paul Schramm will be united in marriage on August 18, 2016.



The year of 2016 - William Arthur De Joode and family was in charge of the Art and Orpha De Joode reunion.  If you weren't in attendance you missed out on a great meal and a lot of cousins whom we haven't seen in years.  The total count was 104.  Sandy and Marcia had a lot of fun things going on throughout the day for both young and old.  We can thank them all for such a lovely day.  Thanks Brother Willie and family.  We ALL have decided that there will be no more invitations sent in the future.  The reunion has been on the first Saturday of June and the year of 2017 it will be held at the same place - Prairie City Shelter House.  Each year, it will be announced where the next year will meet.  Seems Prairie City Shelter House has been good and has worked out for all so far.  So, remember to mark your calendar for 2017, as you will not be notified by mail. 


Friday, July 1, 2016


Doesn't seem like it should be July already, but when we woke up this morning, it is JULY....  Today we ventured to Wisconsin where we met Lynsley and Nick.  Doing some shopping for Danielle's wedding.  We had a nice lunch at a unique tavern in Monroe, the Baumgartner's.  On the ceiling were many dollar bills stapled.  Just too high to reach......  Had a great time. 
"Money hanging from the ceiling"...Looks like a batch of moths, but it was cash. 
Lynsley, Phyllis, Nick and Dick 
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Stay healthy and safe. 


Thursday, June 30, 2016

Saturday, we traveled to Madison, Wisconsin where we had the honor to attend a bridal shower for Danielle.  This has been a fun time attending these events and we can't wait for August to get here as that will be her wedding. 
Phyllis Connett, Dani Rae Hipsky and Lynsley Hipsky.
Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue - she received a very old cook book that has been handed down on her fiancĂ© side of the family. 
On the "personal" side, she received a nice rose gold "MRS" necklace from a very dear close friend.  She can't wear it for another month or so yet....  We had a great time visiting with friends, family and met new friends from the other side....

Dick has been going through cataract surgery.  He now has the left eye done and will be having the right eye done on July 12th.  He is doing fine and hopefully will do the same for the next one.  All else good in Freeport, just keeping busy.