Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Milton High School

Milton High School (Wisconsin) placed FIRST in the state in the Saxophone band which Nicholas is a member.  Nicholas is right in the middle of the picture with the red shorts.  This is not their "usual" uniform, but they were having a great time for this picture.  Nick is the son of Chris and Lynsley Hipsky and grandson of Dick and Phyllis Connett.  Way to go Nick.

A Visit To Iowa

Dick and I spent the weekend in Runnells, Iowa.  Outside of visiting with our family, we attended Phyllis' High School Alumni Banquet with four of us who represented the class of 1959.  All those who graduated from the school were celebrating.  Phyllis only had 16 in her graduating class and five have already passed, so four was pretty good...but we did have a great time.  Dick attended with us even though he didn't attend that school.
Jeanette Grossnickle Cashatt, Ralph Busby, Phyllis De Joode Connett and Janice Kain Thomas
Saturday we visited four different cemeteries checking out the family who have gone before us.  All the cemeteries were beautifully decorated with the flowers and flags.
This tree was bad but instead of cutting all down, an artist came in and created an "angel" to look over the cemetery.
My mother and fathers grave site.  There were seven we decorated and could have done a lot more.
Dick with his sisters Alice and Bobbi, visiting his grandmothers grave site.
Again Dick with his sisters standing over their parents grave site.

We also had time to visit the Runnells museum.  This is in an old church where Phyllis attended as a child.  The town has bought the building and have created a very nice museum for all to enjoy.  The chair below belonged to Phyllis' family and all the kids once sat in this chair for their meals....If you haven't visited the museum you need to do so.
There were many interesting items that were all so familiar from the town and our family.  Below is an old "singer" sewing machine which I used growing up.  The black long wool skirt is one my great-great grandmother made and wore.  Notice the piece where my mother had once started to make another quilt for the family.  In the background is the original equipment from the town barber shop.  So many of our relation (including my sister Barb) who works so hard to keeping the museum organized for all to enjoy.
And of course we had to eat.  Had a great meal with sister Barb and her family.  This particular meal our youngest daughter Carrie prepared for us.  There was a lot more besides these pictures....
We just purchased an iron skillet for her and a iron skillet cookbook, so she had to give it a try.  A huge granny apple pie.  We headed back to Freeport to accomplish a few things and will be going back to Iowa next weekend for the big family reunion.   FUN, FUN, FUN....

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Orpha Jane Harmison

If I got the information correct, mom (Orpha Jane Harmison - De Joode) is in the front row, third one from the left.  I believe it was said that she was in the third grade.  As you can see all are holding a little doll in their arms. 
Picture was taken in front of the Runnells Consolidated School where Mom graduated and most of her children graduated from this school, up until the Southeast Polk School was built.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Killdeer Bird

While Dick and I were visiting Lynsley and family in Whitewater, Wisconsin we were parked beside their garage where they made a patch of gravel for parking.  When we got out of the car this "bird" went crazy on the ground.  My first thought was the bird was having a seizure, but it was only  trying to guide us away from the nest that we were parked over....

I myself have never heard of a "Killdeer" bird.  What a beautiful bird.  She was sitting on her nest of eggs that she laid in the gravel next to the garage.  This is the second year she has made her nest there.  Can you see how many eggs are in her nest?  The eggs are very hard to spot as they blend right in with the large rocks.  It will be interesting to see the outcome as she is being watched... 
Just sharing....

Graduating in 2017

We have three who are connected to the De Joode family that will be graduating in 2017.

Our beautiful Sidney Richeson (daughter of Jon Richeson, grandparents are Carolyn and Larry Richeson).

From Kindergarten and all through High School we have Michael LaFrenz.  Michael is the son of Melissa and Jim LaFrenz (Grandparents are Helen and Bill Eiselstein.)

And then we have Sean Wilson.  Sean is the son of Gary Wilson.  Grandparent:  Jeanie Wyant - Great Grandparents would be Norma and Stan Wyant.

Congratulations to Sidney, Michael and Sean.  We wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.

Trudy, Bev and Bill McGrean (Needs Prayers)

This was back the first part of May.  Just an update - all is doing exceptionally well and we pray that will continue....

Please remember Trudy Hauserman (a past Leisure World resident) in your prayers.  She just got the word that she has to have a cancer spot removed from her face again, and just today she had a colonoscopy which isn't good news.  The doctor found that the flat polyp that he removed back in 2009 has come back and is cancer.  The surgeon will have to remove a section of colon and it will depend on how much by his decision.  The surgery will be done within the next two to three weeks.  Trudy could use some words of encouragement and a lot of prayers.  She does read this blog... 

Another sister (Beverly Pearson) is going through surgery on her hand to remove cancer.  She had her hand operated on recently but doctor is now saying they need to go deeper to get to the roots of the cancer. 

Also my brother-in-law Bill McGrean (Barb's husband) is having some heart issues and has been.  At this very moment he has been taken to the hospital and we are waiting to hear something...  Update on Bill:  Had angiogram, three main vessels in heart all blocked, waiting to hear when open heart surgery will be.