Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Trudy, Bev and Bill McGrean (Needs Prayers)

This was back the first part of May.  Just an update - all is doing exceptionally well and we pray that will continue....

Please remember Trudy Hauserman (a past Leisure World resident) in your prayers.  She just got the word that she has to have a cancer spot removed from her face again, and just today she had a colonoscopy which isn't good news.  The doctor found that the flat polyp that he removed back in 2009 has come back and is cancer.  The surgeon will have to remove a section of colon and it will depend on how much by his decision.  The surgery will be done within the next two to three weeks.  Trudy could use some words of encouragement and a lot of prayers.  She does read this blog... 

Another sister (Beverly Pearson) is going through surgery on her hand to remove cancer.  She had her hand operated on recently but doctor is now saying they need to go deeper to get to the roots of the cancer. 

Also my brother-in-law Bill McGrean (Barb's husband) is having some heart issues and has been.  At this very moment he has been taken to the hospital and we are waiting to hear something...  Update on Bill:  Had angiogram, three main vessels in heart all blocked, waiting to hear when open heart surgery will be. 

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