Friday, May 23, 2014

2014 Reunion

Hi All,

I can't wait to see everyone.
My hubby is coming with me!  Our 30th wedding anniversary is that following Monday and he wanted to spend Saturday with me no matter what I had in mind.  I'm so luck to have him.  He loves me just for me!

This Sunday morning, May 25th, Jenny, Max & I are heading to Kansas City and we will pick up Jessica at the airport late Sunday night.  Early Monday morning we are heading to Topeka to see MOM!!  & Larry!
We are so excited.  I feel like a terrible momma because I haven't seen my Jessica since Christmas!  I told her that I will NEVER let that happen again!

Her and her boyfriend Michael are coming back to Minnesota twice in June.  Once for my nephews wedding and then a week later for our family vacation.  I'm so excited to get to spend time with them.  I can't tell you how much I miss them.

Jessica & Michael have a website where Jessica sells a line of jewelry she's designed and made.  Each piece is unique and fun.  She has a "Spring" line of jewelry coming out soon.  She still works for Van Michael Salon in a suburb of Atlanta and loves her job (and they love her).  Michael is the Creative Director for Cheri Media.  They have so much fun together.

Jenny is a stay at home momma now and loves it.  She also is an Initials-inc Creative Partner
(   This provides enough income for her to be able to help fill in the gaps, if needed, plus gives her time with other adults and she loves to be involved with something like this...she is an organizer and has done very well!  She is hoping to attend the National Conference in Nashville in July.

Josh, Jenny's husband, is an Animator for Augsburg Publishing in Minneapolis.  He does all kinds of projects like making animated Sunday School curriculum, and most recently has made a pilot for a kids Christian series that he hopes is approved so he can continue with the series.

Tony is busier than ever.  He had to take care of me with my broken ankle all of April and still a little bit.  He was so good to me.  He is in charge of a huge project at Cargill right now and was promoted to 2nd in command with the Army National Guard Band.  He is now First Sargeant.  He loves all he does but he is busy.  Plus he laid a beautiful new patio in our backyard complete with a raised garden and fire pit and now he is fixing the yard (from all the construction) and trying to get the pool open so I can swim for therapy on my ankle.

I'm busy with a new owner at my work but we are getting along fine.  I love working 1 mile from home.  I also sew, sew, sew.  I sew clothes, purses, wallets, bags, toys, quilts, etc.  I just love to sew.  It is my stress reliever.  I also spend as much time as possible with Max.

Well...I hope to hear from all of you.  I put an alarm on my phone to remind me to blog at least monthly.
You should too!  Love to all, Teresa

My Max

Hi Everyone,

My Max won't be going to the reunion this year but I wanted to share a few pictures of him.  I can't get enough of him!

Love you all!

Sorry...I can't figure out why this won't rotate right!  This is a fairly current picture.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Congratulations Nick Hipsky

Nick is now a member of the Boy Scout's Order of the Arrow and finished his Ordeal.
Nick Hipsky OA Ordeal 5/2014
BS Troop 454

Congratulations Dakota

Dakota has been attending Iowa State University - Ames, Iowa and will be a junior this fall.  All dressed up and ready to go - Dakota is ready to go for his Engineering Internship Interview. He got the job and will work all summer at a building site in El Paso, Illinois as an intern for Elwer Engineering Services constructing a 6 story building for corn processing.  Congratulations Dakota.

Danielle Rae Hipsky Graduates From College

Dick and Phyllis spent a week in Wisconsin to celebrate Mothers Day, Lynsley's birthday and then had the privilege of attending Dani Rae's college graduation.  Dani Rae graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison on  May 17, 2014.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology, and a Minor in Global Health.
The school's mascot is the Badger - kissing his nose is suppose to bring you good luck.

All the graduates decorated their caps.  Dani Rae used the symbol for DNA.
 Of course the parents, brothers and grandparents were quite proud of Dani Rae as she worked very hard the past four years for this degree. 
Chris, Nick, Dani Rae, Lynsley and Joe
Dani Rae with her parents 
Granpo, Dani Rae and Grammo (that's what she calls us)
All the "students" would set on "Lincoln's" lap and rub his nose - this was another good luck practice.
Dani Rae plans to stay in Madison, to continue her education in the medical field. 
There were over 7,000 graduating students at the Camp Randall Stadium.  This picture only shows about half of the students. Although we were prepared for cool weather, we did appreciate the bright sunny day for this ceremony. What a great day. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014



Our Visit to Madison, Wisconsin

Thursday, May 1, 2014

 Dick and Phyllis Connett were back up north just in time to attend granddaughter Danielle's last music concert at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, held at the Mills Hall on Sunday, April 27th. This performance was the last for conductor Mr. Scott Pierson and Danielle as she will graduate from the university in May.   Danielle has been with this band all her years at Madison.   
Danielle is first chair flute.  (She is the one with the ribbon around her waist). 
 Danielle had the honor to play two separate pieces by herself. 
Danielle has been playing the flute since 5th grade and has been in "first chair" since the 7th grade.  She also plays the piccolo. 
Lynsley, Danielle, Phyllis and Dick
Paul and Danielle
 Lynsley, Dick and Phyllis and her special friend Paul enjoyed the afternoon with Danielle.  Had a wonderful afternoon meal at Olive Garden, then back to Freeport. 


Sending flowers to brighten everyone's day.