Friday, December 11, 2015


Just a little donkey,
but on my back I bore
The one and only Savior
the world was waiting for.
Just a little donkey,
but I was strong and proud--
I gladly carried Mary
through the chaos of the crowd.
I brought her to a stable
where she made a tiny bed...
A place for Baby Jesus
to lay his little head.
I pray the world remembers
that special Christmas night
when just a little donkey
carried Heaven's Precious Light.
          --Rita S. Beer
I received this verse from a very dear friend, and thought it was worth sharing.  May each and everyone of you have a Blessed Christmas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Bev and Donnie

Beverly Pearson- Update -  is now home from surgery.  She had right kidney removed due to cancer and is doing well.

 Don De Joode  - Update - Fell from trimming a tree with branch and chain saw.  Concussion, broken collar bone, broken thumb, all ribs on right side (except two) broken, broken pelvis.  Rod and screws in pelvis.  Now out of ICU.  Still in hospital.  When he does go home he will be in a wheel chair for approximately five weeks.  Very black and blue all over.


 On Monday, November 9th, Trudy Hauserman had a fall in her home.  She hit her head on the tile causing a brain bleed, and rushed to the hospital finding she has a compound fracture on her left foot.  A broken bone that went through the skin bleeding and another broken bone on the other side of the same foot. 
 After a few days in ICU, her right foot was painful also and very bruised.  In checking out that foot, she learned she had another problem - a fracture in the arch - a broken metatarsal bone plus another broken bone.   
But, she is looking on the bright side, as she was told she gets to wear a special "wood" shoe.  This will give her some support to help her put weight on the right foot. 
After spending a few days in ICU, she will be going to a nursing home where she will be having therapy for a minimum of one week.