Friday, September 21, 2012

Hand Surgery

Dick had what they classified as Duputren's Contracture on his hand.  He could not lay his hand down flat.  The doctor had said once this happened they would have to do surgery.  If he waited too long, there was no correcting this and he would permantely loose the range of the knuckle.  As you can see below, the tendon on his "ring finger" was pulled tight not allowing the finger to fully extend.  He could not pick up anything and had no grip with that hand.  
Dick went into surgery on Thursday, 20th and came through the surgery just fine.  He will have to wear his "boxing glove bandage" for approximately 10-14 days.   He will then head back to the doctor to see how the hand is progressing.  He is  not to use his left hand until then.  What causes this???  They say it is inherited.  Thank goodness he is right handed. 


  1. OUCH!! We are glad the surgery went well and Dick is doing okay.

  2. Uncle Dick

    I have the same thing starting to happen on my left hand. Working with all the tools while building the garage this year helped straighten it somewhat. The doctor I had a year ago suggested I stretch it back regularly to avoid surgery. That doesn't mean he was right thou cause it causes a lot of pain to do so. I am interested in your progress.

    Thanks for sharing

    Take care
