Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A New Adventure/Experience

Danielle Hipsky – (Lynsley and Chris’s daughter) is on an adventure this summer with “counting” fish…

Danielle held out this summer for a research job with UW-Madison.  Although the research is with the Limnology Center (study of inland lakes and ponds) and not directly related to the medical field, she is getting experience with the research processes.  She has learned a lot about fish, electrofishing, nets, boats, and lakes! She is in a gorgeous area of Northern Wisconsin with pine forests and lakes/ponds everywhere! She is working on five different lakes and has met fishermen and others who ask her about what they are doing and seem interested in what is happening on the lakes. Danielle says the nets and equipment they bring in on their truck causes a bit of commotion as they set up - in a naturally calm and quiet environment.  She has experienced being out on the lake in a "little" boat in heavy winds and rain (very cold), sunsets on the lake, and beautiful hot days - to my knowledge she has not fallen overboard, but she has been on the rope swing on one of the "islands" in Trout Lake and has been swimming. She is staying in a cabin with her teammates among several other cabins that house full time researchers, other college students working on special projects and a team from Finland. She is now authorized to take out any UW vehicle on her own (after working hours) and has enjoyed having the "keys and gas credit card".  I hear the trucks are loaded (having very nice features) and she enjoys driving them. She has already put in over 100 hours in the last two weeks. Since they are living on site, it seems they get called in at all times. Although she is on the day shift,  she has worked night and day time hours, Saturday & Sunday hours.
Danielle says she has the best summer job! She will be in Northern Wisconsin for a total of four weeks, then back in Madison to finish out her job (another four weeks) until school starts in September. 

Grandma Phyllis and Grandpa Dick Connett are very proud of their granddaughter.  All Grandma Connett can say is "YOU GO GIRL".... 

Eagle Scout Service Project

Grandpa Dick and Grandma Phyllis Connett are very proud of our grandson Joseph.

Joseph Christopher Hipsky joined Boy Scouts of America in 2008 and has had many great experiences throughout the years.  He has earned  many merit badges, he has been a Troop Leader, Den Chief, Historian, Scout of the year (earning a bronze award), has been to Philmont Scout Ranch (New Mexico), has 248 hours of hiking and backpacking, and 184 hours of Community Service and Service Project.  At the young age of 15, Joseph earned the Boy Scouts highest rank of Eagle Scout, the highest a boy scout can achieve. 

Upper Peninsula Bible Camp, Little Lake, Michigan. Joseph led camp volunteers and scouts to build and stone a drinking water fountain, where previously water was packed in or hand-carried out to the remote “back 40”. Joseph’s project was to lay a new water line out to the Archery & Riflery Ranges, and at its end to construct a drinking water fountain with mortar and additional stone for biblical character.

Joseph first scouted out a good place where he thought a water fountain would be beneficial to all at the Bible Camp.

A good place for a fountain...   


                      It Works!

UPBC stone drinking water fountain
The finished project - and very proud of it....

The fountain is a rejuvenating source for all UPBC staff, campers and volunteers during the hot summer months.
The plaque on the front reads: 

…To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment.  Revelations 21:6

That's the way to go Joseph....  Congratulations.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hope Mission Ghana Africa Team

Carrie, Denver and the Hope Mission Ghana Team made the trip to Africa safely with no lost luggage, a slight delay leaving DSM but on time for the rest of the travels.  Denver with others, assisted the pastors to get all the new computers up and running.  They are teaching the villages about malaria and de-worming and giving the message of Christ.  They had taken homemade pillowcase dresses, jewelry and other small items which was handed out to the villages.  Last year Denver experienced eating something indescribable, wonder what he'll be trying this year....They are now on Day 5 and the time is going fast for them.  Keep them all in your prayers.  They will be back home August 5th.

New Marriage

Bill Eiselstein has a birthday coming up (Sunday, August 11th) and he'll be 81 years old.  He is also getting married to Shirley on his birthday.  He has invited the family to attend the wedding which will take place at the Toronto Church where they both attend.  Wedding will be at 4:00 PM with a reception following at Joe's Bar and Grill in Toronto afterwards. 


Dick and Phyllis celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary on Sunday, July 28, 2013.  They both agreed that the years have gone by so fast.