The "Connett's" are now back home from the south.... and it is just too darn cold here in the north. We have had a lot of rain since we have been home. Dick started raking the yard getting the front and one side all done, but the rain has put a stop to that for awhile. Just too wet now. We have been busy since we have been home. I have made an Aunt Jamima vacuum doll cover, some neck tie purses and a scarf. We do have the RV home out of storage and was planning on an outing with the group this weekend, but too cold - flannel sheets at home will feel better. It is only 1/2 hours drive away, so will just drive back and forth in the Honda. Have a busy summer planned. Our De Joode reunion will be the 50th reunion this year, so hopefully all of the clan will be able to attend. You will be getting an invitation soon in the mail. Help us to make this one a special reunion as it is the 50th. Would be nice to read "someone" elses notes/comments on this blog. How about it family????
Happy birthday to all you who have a birthday the month of April.